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Microlending is just one element of a larger, emerging tool to combat poverty known as microfinance. Microlending offers individuals who have little to no assets an ability to acquire a small loan ($150-$2,500) to be used to advance their economic status: to start or grow a business or seek education, for instance. 

Capital for a Cause raises money to help finance microloans for the impoverished and underserved. This is done by first raising capital through a series of fundraisers. As funds are raised, Capital for a Cause locates lenders in need of microloans and begins financing those loans. Once each loan is repaid, Capital for a Cause uses the repaid funds to finance the next series of microloans.




Capital for a Cause believes that all individuals have an innate ability to sustain themselves and their families without the need for financial hand-outs. It is unrealistic however, to believe that all individuals can do so without the proper resources, of which financial capital is critical. Capital made available through microlending allows individuals to realize success and prosperity. For instance, a microloan helped a man in Bolivia to purchase a larger stock of bananas for his small roadside fruit stand. In neighboring Chile, a woman used capital from a microloan to buy a mobile food cart to jump start her small business. Microlending truly can lift a person out of poverty. Capital for a Cause is committed to making more stories like these, realities.

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